From The Archives: November 1953
For Basketball…
Any Formula for Top Basketball Must Include a Foundation of Basic Fundamentals.
We suggest the following as a part of your daily routine:
A sparkling clean ball for every practice session.
Absolutely correct, uniform air pressure – every day.
A rigid program for the care of the feet – to prevent blisters, callouses and sprains.
Briefed, daily exercises to promote freedom of movement in the shoulders.
The Atomic “sock pack” taped on shins at the first sign of shin splints.
The daily use of Firm-Grip on fingertips – particularly with boys with small hands.
Blowing the nose lustily just before practice starts. (Amusing? – No, deadly serious.)
If you have a boy who stands around with his mouth open, the chances are he has adenoids or a nasal stoppage. Breathing through the mouth has become a habit.
Refuse to stand for careless dress in practice – dirty clothing, dirty shoes, old or broken shoe laces or torn jerseys. (These invite shoddy execution instead of precision.)
The L-O-N-G Shower
The one time in the week when the shower should be casual and of considerable length is after a hard, bruising game. Boys generally rush through the dressing room, to the shower, and to the street for a date after the game. Better control of your squad at this time is advisable