From The Archives: March - April, 1938
Teach Slow Motion Exercises
At the National Coaches meeting, one point was stressed which made quite an impression on a number of the members present: that was the benefit of slow motion pictures for teaching plays and exercises.
It was also pointed out that any coach could teach slow motion or have his athletes go through it, timing all of the exercises, or even plays, by slow motion in order to gain a thorough understanding and an exactness of detail of execution.
If you get the idea, we suggest that you try it at your next practice session. Put through a play on slow motion, then speed it up after the details have been memorized by each player.
National Association of College Trainers
We understand there is soon to be organized a national association of university and college trainers, whose purpose will be to inter-change information and new ideas on the care and treatment of athletes. We think this is a wonderful idea and will do everything we can to promote it, as we have always felt there is a vital need for better knowledge on the care and treatment of athletes in the schools.
We presume there will be an associate membership available to small college and high school coaches and trainers, who are interested in this line of work, and if you feel that you would be benefited by a membership, we urge you to write to either Bill Frey, trainer of the University of Iowa, or to Chuck Cramer in care of this company.
Of course, there would be no obligation on your part and your suggestions and inquiries will be promptly handled. We, therefore, repeat that if you are at all interested, please let it be known at once.
Drying Equipment
One of the most interesting parts of the new athletic plant at Louisiana State is their drying room.
Mike Chambers, trainer, explained to us that in this room every garment is put on a hanger every day. A large electric fan pulls the air out of this room; but no heat is used as, he points out, heat will harm much of the equipment, especially the leather of headgears, shoes and shoulder harness.
Equipment is often dried over radiators—sometimes being laid on the radiator to hurry this drying. In a majority of cases, excessive heat is used in the drying room and we are convinced from the experience at Louisiana State that much equipment is spoiled because of this improper handling.
Coaches who buy equipment realize that it is quite expensive, therefore, it is logical to have someone in charge of this equipment who thoroughly understands its care. A good equipment man can more than save his annual salary in the proper care and treatment of your athletic wearing apparel